Rosemary O’Malley

Consultant and Trainer for the DV workforce

Rosemary O’Malley was the CEO of the Domestic Violence Prevention Centre (DVPC) from 2016 to February 2023. Prior to this she was the Manager of the Men’s Domestic Violence Education and Intervention Program (MDVEIP) at DVPC from 2009-2016 and she has facilitated Men’s Behaviour Change programs since 2005.  Her academic background is in criminology, and she has written journal articles, and contributed a chapter to the book, Domestic Violence, Working With Men: Research, Practice Experiences, and Integrated Responses. Rosemary sat on the Domestic Violence Death Review Board and was the Convenor of the Queensland Domestic Violence Services Network from 2020-2022.  She has travelled to the United States to investigate good practice regarding men’s programs, fathering programs, and integrated responses, and she delivers workshops and speaks at conferences throughout Australia on the importance of collaborative responses between government and non-government organizations to improve the safety and well-being for those experiencing or escaping domestic violence.


Terri Boyce


Pauline Elliott