Natalia Muszkat

Deputy Mayor Gladstone Regional Council

Natalia Muszkat is an experienced leader, manager and community development and workplace health and safety professional. She migrated to Australia from Argentina in 1999 and moved to the Gladstone Region in 2007.

Natalia has a great passion for community and social and human services, and in her years in the Central Queensland Region she has been instrumental in delivering a wide range of projects including traineeships for disadvantaged job seekers, domestic and family violence prevention programs, multicultural services, literacy initiatives, schools’ bursaries, parenting programs and art and culture projects.

She is a proud co-founder of not-for-profit social enterprise, Strong Communities Ltd, delivering evidence-based programs for children, parents, families and organisations in regional and remote communities. Natalia believes in continued grassroots community engagement, and is currently the vicepresident of the QCWA Tannum Sands branch and QCWA Port Curtis Division and has most recently contributed to the creation of the Gladstone University of the Third Age. Natalia served a full term as a member of the Queensland Multicultural Advisory Council in 2019 and currently serves in the Harmony Alliance Council.

Natalia is the first South American born woman to be elected to any office in Australia. She was first elected as a Councillor in 2018 and re-elected in 2020 and 2024, and recently appointed as the Deputy Mayor of the Gladstone Regional Council.

Facebook: Natalia Muszkat | LinkedIn: Natalia Muszkat


Patricia McMinn


Mitra Khakbaz