Teri Sommerfield

Teri Sommerfield has been a part of the agricultural sector since before she could walk. Growing up on a rural cattle station located north west of Charleville, she has a passion and understanding for the beauty and challenges of Outback life.

Teri shares her passion for agriculture with her love for the Arts, moving to Brisbane to complete a 4 year Bachelor's of Fine Arts (Film, Television and Literature).

However, her love for the Outback drew her back to her home town of Charleville, where she has been the President of the local Performing Arts Committee for the last 3 consecutive years.

In 2016, Teri entered into the Miss Showgirl awards. This helped her cultivate her skills as a female leader in the community. The program's focus on personal presentation, local community involvement and public speaking, set the stage for her to pursue a role as a Rural Ambassador.

In 2021, Teri entered and won the Queensland Rural Ambassador role, which acknowledges the importance of young people in rural areas and their role in agricultural shows. Teri's appointment as the Queensland Rural Ambassador recognises her continued involvement in shows, knowledge of current rural issues affecting rural areas of Queensland and her passion for rural agriculture. Teri's goal for her tenure as Rural Ambassador is to continue to bridge the divide between rural and metropolitan areas of Queensland.

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Tearnee Lewington


Tina O’Hagan