Rae Baikie

My Mum – Rae Baikie has always been (and still is) quite a Changemaker. In the early1980s she set up the first peripatetic service in the UK for children who were blind or had low vision in the region of Fife in Scotland. This innovative service ensured that the children were integrated into the mainstream school system with a range of support services for teachers, parents, psychologists and GPs.

This job merged perfectly my Mum’s two previous careers that of an orthoptist and a primary school teacher and she loved it! Here she is in her beloved allotment in Edinburgh. When she got it 30 years ago her companions at the 'patch' were only old men escaping their wives they were convinced my Mum would never make it work! Always a keen gardener, she quickly dispelled their illusions!

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Sherree Clarke


Marie Neal